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Oren Harroche
Denver CO USA - Thursday,January29,1998 at 00:20:06(EST)
I'd just like to say, that a)I'm damn proud of this website, and b)THE BRONCOS RULE!!!!

Ethan Besser
Sadly, I don't have one
Jerusalem Boredom, obviously Israel - Friday,January30,1998 at 06:18:36(EST)
This is a great site, and all involved should be very proud. The rest of you can go to hell. (I didn't sleep much last night . . .)

Steven (Tzvi) Rudolph
My what?!?!?!?
Lincolnwood Illinois USA - Sunday,February01,1998 at 01:52:24(EST)
Well I think that this web site is pretty cute. Oren you and the others did a spectacular job. Hope things continue to look good here.

Aryeh Goldberg
Moshav Beit Meir Israel - Friday,February06,1998 at 06:37:35(EST)
Food is good and so is this website. Come to think about it, food is better. Anyone in America reading this please send me corned beef and Oreos.

Steven (Tzvi) Rudolph
I have a Web url site?!?!?
Lincolnwood Illinois USA - Sunday,February08,1998 at 11:50:08(EST)
For whoever read what was written by me earlier, I didn't write that. All I want to say is Mazel Tov to the Broncos and lets go Bulls!!!

Sarah Gross
Chicago Ill USA - Monday,February09,1998 at 22:03:11(EST)
On behalf of myself and the entire Hanna Sacks Bais Yacov I'd like to congradulate Oren and his fine staff on a Great site. The girls and I only have one request... More XXX Pics. (Brian in particular.) XOXOXOXO up a

Elli Kryksman
Brooklyn NY USA - Tuesday,February10,1998 at 00:29:47(EST)
Why didnt you make this so if I push tab it takes me to the next box?

Moe Isenberg
www.great website
chicago il USA - Tuesday,February10,1998 at 00:51:59(EST)

Ben Simon
B.G. Il USA - Tuesday,February10,1998 at 12:03:48(EST)
In the history of the world, I don't believe there has ever been a more positive step forward for man's evolution than this web page. If Oren ran for president, and if I was actually registered to vote, then I'd vote for him. (Unless a monkey ran too, then it would be a hard decision because, come on, who DOESN'T want a monkey in the white house?)

adielle harroche
don't got 1
denver colordo USA - Tuesday,February10,1998 at 20:18:47(EST)
oren, you're the coolest bro!

Noach Wolfe
Chicago USA - Thursday,February12,1998 at 15:52:19(EST)
I'd just like to take this opportunity to CONGRADULATE Bwai-an on turning Twenty! (Such a BiG boy. Oy! I'm SO proud.) Welcome to the club.

Beno Freedman
Jerusalem Israel - Saturday,February14,1998 at 19:40:21(EST)
Just inviting everyone to visit my rudimentary web page at Enjoy!

Steven Rudolph
Lincolnwood Illinois USA - Sunday,February15,1998 at 12:08:33(EST)
Well I don't know if you guys heard this. But Phil Karesh broke the single game scoring record last week with 63 points in one game.

Akiva I left my heart in Palo Alto Zimbabwe - Friday,February20,1998 at 11:00:51(EST)
HI EVERYONE! Oren, your the bestest in the whole wide world. I wish someone would invent a home-sized virtual computer thingy so we could all leave video messages and see each other and stuff. That would be neat. Tzuriel, I kn ow your out there somewhere!

Hubscubs The Windy City Illinois USA - Tuesday,March03,1998 at 03:24:00(EST)
Oren, i'm very proud of your accomplishments. However, imagine all the learning you could've done in the time it took you to make this web page. How about spending a little time in the Beis Medrish with me? I miss seeing you around?

Zev Zakkai Rosenberg
No web site but for all u women my room is #490 muss
Denver Co. USA - Thursday,March12,1998 at 15:53:13(EST)
Top Ten List !!!!!1 1) Dovid menchel has a New nickname:Dubit!!!!: 2) I am a Huge pimp! 3) Oren rocks!!! 4) My whole class is lucky to have such a good looking guy like me in it! 4) Greg is gorgeous!! 5)Aryeh is so bea utiful!! 6) Cobi = Thickmeat!! 7)Oren=Grizzly 8)Ari hakimi + Adele XXOO 9) Mike Zaidel the lush with long hair!! 10) Dovid newest nickname: Papa Sleuth!!

- Sunday,March15,1998 at 01:47:02(EST)

Abba Lew Rudolph
Lincolnwood Il. USA - Friday,March20,1998 at 13:03:59(EST)
Oren, You did a wonderful job on THE WEB, it's a pleasure to sign your guest book. I hope all is well with you and we hope to see you in the near future.

Tani Aronin
Skokie IL USA - Tuesday,March24,1998 at 16:49:07(EST)
This Rocks!!!!!! Oren you rule. I miss everybody, feel free to come to Chicago and visit, as you all know (especially Oren) my house is always open.

Zev G-d
Denver co. USA - Wednesday,March25,1998 at 16:48:42(EST)
Hey everyone i would just like to welcome back: Thickmeat!!!, DANIEL BENNET ROTH!!!, and Keesh ben keesh! oh by the way everyone DOVID has another nickname!!! WALRUS!!!!! (he admitted to me he was a walrus) !!! i love everyon e and everyone loves me!!! Have a great week and enjoy!!

Zymbabwe - Wednesday,March25,1998 at 21:28:11(EST)
Does anybody have Benji Simon's telephone number? Don't try and save me. -Zym

Benji Simon
Buffalo Grove Ill. USA - Sunday,March29,1998 at 17:14:33(EST)
"I renounce all of my friends, including Noach. For all I care you can all go take a leap into a bowl of pudding that is 6500 ft deep and eat your way out".

avraham goldberg
web?!!?? what am I? a spider?
new york new york USA - Sunday,April05,1998 at 14:00:24(EDT)
oren, may i suggest putting up a section about the oddities found at skokie. several "teachers" and administrators would feel right at home in such a section. also, hi aryeh. -take care all, avraham

Jacob Z. Robinson
West Rogers Park Illinois USA - Thursday,April09,1998 at 22:37:41(EDT)
I would just like to make it clear that although I am going to HTC for a semester,I AM NOT AN "HTC GUY"! Thank You. Oren,this is the smartest thing you've done since knowing what Nutrasweet is. Everyone is invited to my house for a BBQ,just tell me when you want it and I'll fire things up.

Lisa Baldel
Eugene, OR USA - Thursday,May07,1998 at 04:10:01(EDT)
YEAH BRONCOS- never knew that Skoakites were Bronco fans. Just goes to show that they have good taste (as a natvie Coloridian, it comes naturally). Anyhow, Zev Stubb (class of way long ago) told me to come here (well, his we b page did, so i always listen to my computer and here i am) all I have to say is you guys kiss some hard tuchas- very funny- especially Chiam's polygon-ity and Dovid's nicknames. Nice cheap thrills. have fun, and if anyone knows any single frum guys, send them my way, becuase I know way too many females who are looking.

Oren Harroche
Denver CO - Sunday,June21,1998 at 02:28:55(EDT)

Scott (almost as cool as Ari) Schayer
Chicago Illinois USA - Tuesday,June23,1998 at 22:18:48(EDT)
Oren: Just a beautiful work of art. I highly recommend this site. Now if you were only as good at picking sports teams to root for, you'd be in excellent shape. Go Cubbies!!

The Naich
Chicago USA - Friday,August28,1998 at 14:47:59(EDT)
Hey, Oren. Is there still Mike.htm with a prewritten Buddy list? Oh, and, GREAT SITE! Best thing since sliced bread!!! Later

Tani Aronin
USA - Monday,September14,1998 at 17:53:43(EDT)

Dovid Mauer
New York NY USA - Monday,September14,1998 at 20:00:48(EDT)
Well, first of all, I would like to say hello to all my fellow ex- Skokie Yeshiva classmates who I have not spoken to for a while. I expect an email or phone call from you. Oh by the way, I can dunk!

Tani Aronin
Skokie Il USA - Friday,September18,1998 at 01:27:23(EDT)
Wishin everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year, I miss you all.

Chaim Poupko
Skokie IL USA - Wednesday,September23,1998 at 21:59:13(EDT)
Nice web site Oren. Thanks, Noach, for making me the polygon. I'm quite honored. I would just like to wish everyone a ksiva v'chasima tova.

dovid feld
new york ny USA - Sunday,September27,1998 at 21:41:03(EDT)
guys hope all is wellin your life and by the way were the Hell are u BENNY?

Oren Harroche
New York New York USA - Monday,September28,1998 at 15:48:31(EDT)
I just wanted to point out (for those of you who may have missed it the first time, especially Scotty, Mike, and Greg) the Broncos still rule!

Naich Chicago USA - Wednesday,October07,1998 at 10:03:02(EDT)
Oren I would just like to point out (b'rabbim) that your last comment was WAY below the belt. Shame on you. (We'll get 'em NEXT year Harry...)

Oren Harroche
Denver CO USA - Wednesday,October07,1998 at 20:49:49(EDT)
When I want your opinion, Mr. Wolfe, I'll give it to you.

Chana Bracha Hashta
Buffalo Grove Il USA - Thursday,October15,1998 at 22:04:33(EDT)
To Whom it may concern: Oren Har--he is a wonderful young lad (even the sea monsters seem to agree). Oh, Benji says: "You're the bestest". Everyone email him.

Aharon Keller
SI NY USA - Wednesday,October21,1998 at 18:32:35(EDT)
Hey Rudolph! Hey Goldberg! Hey Greg! Hey Cooper! Tech says hi also. Chicago guys are the best! Glanz (my roommate in Israel) says hi. I love you all. Next time you are in the area, stop by my Dad's bakery for free cookies.

Steven Rudolph
Lincolnwood Illinois USA - Friday,October23,1998 at 16:16:36(EDT)
First off I think Oren should update a few things like the news. I am sure Mikey appreciates it, but, it has been quite sometime. Phil ain't on the team nomore. I love you Oren I am only teasing. For all you OJ guys who visit here, you guys be the men. Hey Keller love you!!

Wolfey Lincolnwood Illinois USA - Sunday,December13,1998 at 22:45:32(EST)
I'd just like to point out that anyone who signs this guestbook is a loser. A big fat loser. You hear me? Losers!

chana hashta, bracha
chicago il USA - Friday,December18,1998 at 02:13:55(EST)
to all those experiencing a pondering thought as to my whereabouts, i am A' o.k. however, i am not benji

Tani Aronin
skokie il USA - Sunday,February28,1999 at 00:52:44(EST)
the Yeshiva has been struck by lightening! The Arrmaggedon has begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!say your prayers!

Naich The Snaich
- Friday,March19,1999 at 03:10:55(EST)
See the thing is... Benji is SO Money and he doesn't even know it!!!

Ben Simon
Buffalo The Grove Slightly too salty USA - Wednesday,April28,1999 at 01:44:07(EDT)
Isn't it funny that i must have the highest number of comments dealing with me on this thing and i never come here? Chana you at eight by the old oak tree. comment. later all!

dovid feld
ny ny USA - Wednesday,July21,1999 at 01:52:11(EDT)
oren keep up the great work for the webpage:) guys i cant waite to see you back in school at yu by the way oren ...put some pics of the guys who were part of the class butleft early take care and i miss you BENNY!!!!!!!!!!

Yoni Kohn
Philadelphia PA USA - Tuesday,January18,2000 at 20:53:46(EST)
I'm duly impressed. I guess your class is somewhat cool after all.

- Monday,April03,2000 at 06:25:23(EDT)

Noah Wolfe
Chicago - Wednesday,May03,2000 at 23:49:33(EDT)

Ari Kellman
New York NY USA - Friday,August18,2000 at 14:02:50(EDT)
Oren, you rock! I was bored at work and decided to go semi-randomly surfing, and look where I ended up... ;-p

USA - Friday,October06,2000 at 17:21:51(EDT)

USA - Friday,October06,2000 at 17:21:58(EDT)

Joe Mama
USA - Friday,October06,2000 at 17:22:14(EDT)

- Sunday,July15,2001 at 19:28:15(EDT)

Guestbook written by Jacob Karden

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