Skokie Class of '96

Phone #
News Class Pic

Get a better

Welcome to the new and improved home of The official unofficial Skokie class of 1996 website!

brought to you by.... Oren
click here

Mazal Tov is right! Why? because I'm finally going to get around to updating the page!

Please help me out with this undertaking. I would appreciate any comments or suggestions to actually try and make this a useful page that people want to visit. At least Skokie people, from our class, but you can't have everything.

I would also appreciate it if everyone could send me their current phone number and email address, as well as new email addresses for anyone listed on the page incorrectly if you happen to know such information

a taste of things to come...

News B-Days Tunnel E-Mail Phone # Class Pic

[email] Send your comments, input, or anything else to Oren
