That's right. He DOESN'T have e-Mail.
But if you still want to drop him a line try writing a LETTER to him at his following address.

Yacov Lipshitz

If you know how Lips can be contacted please e-mail his address to us.

Ira Rosenman

Ira is back in Chicago. (Actually Morton Grove if you want to be picky.)
If you want his address, whip out your Yearbook and look it up.
(I lost my book. -N)

Yosef Romanoff

Yeshivat Merkaz HaTorah
Ein Tzurim 17
Talpiot, Jerusalem

Tzuriel Gluck

Tzuriel is Learning at Bais Yisroel (a.k.a. "Bais")

Benny Friedman

If you know how Benny can be contacted please e-mail his address to us.

Yaron Werber

If you know how Achdut can be contacted please e-mail his address to us. (Last I heard was he was in the army.)
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